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Chicago-s Underground Radio
WCRX is the student-run radio station of Columbia College Chicago’s Radio Department dedicated to embodying professional, ethical and legal standards while promoting a learning and leadership experience for students. WCRX provides broadcasting services to the Columbia College campus and surrounding communities in Cook County. The WCRX format is Top 40, offering specialized programming, which includes sports, news/talk, rock, alternative, R&B, hip-hop, world, and Reggae. We are committed to our community by airing programming that is responsive to the interest and needs of our listeners. We carry a variety of public affairs programming, including the award-winning Edicion Seminaria from the Public Latino radio network Radio Bilingue and the locally produced program, “The Process.” Our public service initiatives like the WCRX Jobline and our annual “Holly Jolly Trolley” broadcast and food drive for charity has resulted in numerous station awards.
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