Mello FM

Mello FM

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MELLO FM is the only radio station transmitting from the city of Montego Bay, St. James.The ‘station that plays strong songs’ began test transmission on December 1, 2003 and on November 1, 2004, it began broadcasting to Western Jamaica (St. James, Westmoreland, Trelawny, Hanover sections of St. Ann and St. Elizabeth).
2010 saw a new revolution in radio as MELLO FM began broadcasting islandwide. It transmits on 88.1Megahertz (MHz) from Catherine’s Peak covering the eastern region of Jamaica; on 88.3 MHz from Huntley Manchester covering the Central region and on 88.5 MHz covering the West.MELLO FM is now very competitive in the market providing entertainment for all with its mellow sound, giving a new and better feel to radio.
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