Cosmopolitan FM

Cosmopolitan FM

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Cosmopolitan FM is positioned to be a radio station for modern women. It exists because of the need for women to share and to confide. Imagine a place where you run to whenever you need a friend to talk to, to discuss relationships, and personal life. It is very often that women, now, play so many roles in life. They can be a career person, a mother, a lover, and much more.
Breakfast Club, setiap Senin-Jumat jam 6-10 Pagi. Fun Fearless Female, setiap Senin-Jumat jam 10-1 Siang.Music Box, jam 1-4 SoreHappy Hour, setiap jam 4-9 malam. Cooling Down, setiap jam 9-12 malam.90's Hits Weekend, Sabtu-Minggu, setiap jam 7 pagi - 11 malam
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