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The Muslim Community Radio is a multicultural and multilingual Islamic radio station. It broadcasts to the Sydney community in general while incorporating elements that target the Islamic community of Sydney. It first transmitted twenty-four hours a day during the month of Ramadan of 1995 and has continued to broadcast during every month of Ramadan and Dhul-hijja.
Muslim Community Radio has a significant number of expert personals, in addition to the vested skills acquired by other fully trained crew members and volunteer workers. Behind the scenes, Muslim Community Radio is directed by an independent committee led by qualified financial controllers and other qualified community figures sought to represent the community and address Australia's social interests. Its human resources include qualified personnel such as Medical Practitioners, Computer Engineers, Civil Engineers, Journalists, Teachers, Welfare workers, Health experts such as nurses and mid wives and many others renowned in the community for other extensive and diverse skills. Muslim Community Radio comes to life with the charisma of its highly educated, talented, and committed team.
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