Mobil Cihazınızda veya web sitemiz üzerinden WDKX 103.9 FM radyosunu ücretsiz dinleyin.
103.9 FM WDKX - WDKX is a broadcast radio station in Rochester, New York, United States, providing Adult Contemporary Urban R&B, Rap and Hip Hop music. The first locally Black owned radio station in upstate New York. It is Rochester, New York's number one community oriented station and continues to jam the hottest Hip-Hop & R&B from old to new school.
- rnb rap hip-hop soul
- 683 East Main St. Rochester, NY 14605
- New York
- United States | USA
- +1 585-262-2050
- Anasayfa
- Güncelleme gönder
- Embed Code
WDKX 103.9 FM