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Reading, Writing, Arithmetic is exactly what this organization is about. Knowledge is power to each human being on this planet. The more knowledge one has the more things a person can accomplish. The wonders of the world are before our eyes and it is imperative that every young person obtain the fundamentals of learning through the basics of reading, writing and math skills. RWA is the bridge to provide the aids to learning, by providing books, booklets and information free of charge to educators, teachers and others who do not have the resources or access to obtain them. In many areas of the United States, cursive writing is becoming a thing of the past and in many local schools it is not even being taught. The reasons are many, however it just does not make sense that cursive writing is not being taught in many of our school systems. Texting is a good thing, but the methods used in texting are slowly eroding the proper uses of the English language. The chopping and abbreviation of words is becoming habit forming and leading to the elimination of the English vocabulary. We hope you will share our vision and join us in the goal of preserving and promulgating Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, the basics of learning.
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