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We play the music that was popular on the radio from 1959-1989. Each hour of music is divided by decade. Currently, during daytime hours in the USA mountain time zone: AT APPROXIMATELY :01 MINUTE AFTER EACH HOUR - COMEDIAN SPOTLIGHT 05-20 after each hour we play music that was popular 1980-1989 20-40 after each hour we play music that was popular 1970-1979 40-55 after each hour we play music that was popular 1980-1989 ** ALL EIGHTIES MUSIC from 10A-12:15 MDT ​ During evening/overnight hours: AT APPROXIMATELY :01 MINUTE AFTER EACH HOUR - COMEDIAN SPOTLIGHT ​ ​05-20 after each hour we play music that was popular 1970-1979 20-40 after each hour we play music that was popular 1980-1989 40-55 after each hour we play music that was popular 1959-1969 We welcome your feedback via E-mail
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