GB News

GB News

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BRITAIN'S NEWS CHANNEL We focus on what is happening right across the country – good and bad – it’s about covering what is going on, not just what is going wrong.
We will find out what is happening, present facts in a clear and honest way and ensure our coverage is well-sourced, facts are checked and all data used is robust and accurate. If we get it wrong, we will say so – and explain what happened. We will present our programmes in a manner that respects individuals and leads to a better informed community and nation. We value freedom of expression but not by causing unjustifiable offence or exposing our audience to harm, particularly in regards to our vulnerable viewers. We do not shy away from controversial issues. We will take a frank and honest look at the world, but we are sensitive to complex subjects and protect privacy unless compelling public interest outweighs this expectation. On data protection, legal and ethical matters we apply the very highest standards to maintain the trust of our audience. We safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults allowing their voices and views to be heard while ensuring they are treated with dignity and shielded from harm.
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