Fresh FM

Fresh FM

0 Sljedbenik 415 Pogledi
Fresh FM is a Contemporary Urban radio station playing a mixture of R&B, hip-hop, kwaito, house, pop and international localized genres like kizomba, kwasa-kwasa and kuduro with 60% music and 40% talk. News from 6am to 6pm with current affairs, local, national and international affairs and sports with African music constituting at least 50% of its playlist.
Fresh FM is not just a radio station but a lifestyle, a culture and an integral part of the loves of young Namibians. For that reason FRESH FM is always changing and evolving to represent and inspire the lives of people… Fresh FM targets and attracts the urban youth aged 18-29, broadcasting in Windhoek, Rehoboth, Okahandja, Oshakati, Ongwediva, Swakopmund, Grootfontein and Rundu. Fresh FM speaks to imaginative, curious, outgoing and ambitious young students, entrepreneurs and working Namibians that are continuously seeking new ways to improve their lives and their communities so that they are able to lead successful and rewarding lives. Always on the move pursuing careers, education and new opportunities they lead fast-paced lives.
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