Sunny 101.5 - KCLS

Sunny 101.5 - KCLS

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Recently rebranded from Easy to Sunny, Sunny 101.5 is Southern Utah’s Official At-Work Station. Refreshing, light, and soft favorites from the 70’s and 80’s (some 60’s and 90’s mixed in for good measure). Sunny 101.5 features the smooth sounds of Sunny Mornings with Cindy & Bill, weekdays from 6am – 10am. Sunny 101.5 has a wide range of the best music ever made which makes it the easy choice for everyone at work. That is why Sunny 101.5 is Southern Utah’s Official at Work Station. Sunny 101.5 makes the workday brighter in Washington County at 101.5 FM and Iron County at 101.1 FM
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