Nelson Mandela FM

Nelson Mandela FM

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The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) established in 2009 geared to promote Science, Engineering, Technology with Innovation (SETI) by fulfilling its core activities which are (i) Teaching and learning, (ii) Research, (iii) Innovation, (iv) Public outreach and (v) Commercialization known as five Design for NM-AIST or the 5Ds. In Ten years of existence, inspired by its motto “academia for society and industry” the Institution has expanded by engaging partners, researchers and students in coming up with solutions to tackle societal problems. However, NM-AIST has limited coverage in terms of reaching local communities and targeted audiences. Therefore, establishing a radio station was one of the many ideas brought up by The Centre for Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures (WISE-Futures), hosted at NM-AIST.
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