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Playing 60 Years of Top 40 Super Hits!
We play Classic Hits from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and the best of the 2000s. Sometimes you'll hear a song in the Rock category, or Pop, Blues, Motown, Disco, Soul, Country flavored Crossover Tunes, Soft Rock, Easy Listening, Jazz, Funk, Comedy, male and female singers, boy bands, girl bands, and a whole lot more. The GreatGold Classic Hits Mix consists of, generally, Top 40 hits from the past, and, occasionally, songs that should have been. We play the Best of More Than 60 Plus years of The Greatest Music from Life's Soundtrack. The finest of the last half of the 20th Century into the 21st Century! The Next Favorite Could Be Yours at GreatGold Classic Hit Oldies.
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