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The Voice of the East Side
WEQY envisions a socially, economically and politically powerful East Side by capitalizing on its rich immigrant history and diverse communities. WEQY will serve the East Side as a community anchor, connecting and sparking dialogue across cultures and generations, educating the public, and broadcasting the voices of the East Side. Our initial programming includes Basic Beats with Thom Derus (10 pm and 1 am, Monday-Friday); To the East, a morning show with Nick "Mastermind" Muhammad and DJ Huh What (7 to 9 am, Monday-Friday, Rob Cooks with Rob Sebo-Lubke on Saturday mornings at 9 am; Hometown Hype with Johnny Questionmark (8 pm, Thursdays) and Dead Air with Erik Stolberg (9 pm, Saturday). As a work in progress, programming continues to evolve and we'd love to have you participate.
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