Seereer Radio

Seereer Radio

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The Voice of the Seereer Community
Seereer Radio is a 24 hour talk and music stream radio station that broadcast for the Seereer community of Senegal, The Gambia, Mauritania and the Diaspora. Listen to exclusive interviews and live topical discussions on matters relating to Seereer religion (a ƭat Roog), history and culture. Join the conversation by Skype, telephone, text or e-mail. Listen as we throw in some Seereer and Senegambian music for your total delectation. We are radio station that educates and entertains. No matter how you spell the name Seereer, be it Serer, Sereer or Sérère, they all refer to the Seereer ethnic group of the Senegambia region. Seereer Radio | The Voice of the Seereer Community
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