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Your Radio Alternative
WCUW, 91.3 FM, is a non-commercial, community access radio station owned and operated by WCUW, Inc., an independent, educational corporation dedicated to the exploration and improvement of the communications media in the Central New England area. WCUW seeks to inform, entertain and enlighten. We seek to make a positive difference in the lives of the people of Central New England: - striving to involve those communities typically under-represented by the media in programming and operations; - providing responsible community members access to the facilities and training, regardless of race, creed, sex, life style, or age; - educating the community about local issues; - supporting local artists, activities and culture; - promoting awareness of global culture and issues; - fostering creative freedom and experimentation in the use of the communications media; - operating the station through participatory democracy; - and participating in the National Federation of Community Broadcasters.
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