Radio One

Radio One

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Radio One AM 1000
“RADIO ONE” at 1000AM is a News/Talk station that blends the best of local shows and Nationally Syndicated Talent! Featuring CBS News and Local News as well, RADIO ONE boasts an audience that is an older demographic, with much higher income and educational levels than the average population! RADIO ONE is known for its’ coverage of local news and events, and is the local source for issue discussions on local governmental and business issues! AMVI and Sam Topp own Radio One in the mornings with their highly anticipated radio shows about news, politics, and any issue that is important and beneficial to the people of the Virgin Islands! AMVI airs from 7:00am to 9:00am followed by Sam Topp from 9:00am until 12 mid day. Tune in all week long to get your news fix! To be a part of these stimulating shows, contact Ackely Media Group at 340-776-1000!
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