Kofifi FM 97.2

Kofifi FM 97.2

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Kofifi FM is a community radio station based in the West Rand, Johannesburg. Broadcasting over a 100 km radius. It targets youth and adults between the ages of 16 and 59 within LSM 4 - 8, in around the areas such as the West Rand, Lenasia, Soweto, Krugersdorp, Potchefstroom and Pretoria.
Kofifi FM is a developing station which strives itself in being a station” by the people”, “for the people”. The subject matters range from educational topics, social development, personal and spiritual growth, news and entertainment. Kofifi FM feels it has a responsibility towards the communities which support its growth and therefore use the station as a platform to advertise local businesses at affordable prices. Although Kofifi FM is based in the West Rand, its 30 000 and growing audience is far reaching and aims to target a variant of demographics by having content which relates to a diversified nation like Sophiatown was in the 1950’s.
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