Radio Sport Newstalk ZB

Radio Sport Newstalk ZB

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Radio Sport is New Zealand's only 24/7 sports radio station.Live commentaries, interviews, sports news on the hour and sports talkback. Our leading journalists and broadcasters keep your eye on the ball.
Frequencies: Ashburton 702AMAuckland 1332AMBlenheim 98.5FMChristchurch 1503AMDunedin 693AMGreymouth 89.9FMHawkes Bay 1125AMKapiti 1377AMManawatu 1089AMMasterton 91.9FMNelson 549AMNorthland 729AMRotorua 1350AMSouthland 558AMTaranaki 774AMTaupo 107.7FMTauranga 1521AMTimaru 1494AMWaikato 792AMWanganui 1062AMWellington 1503AM
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