Fresh 92,9

Fresh 92,9

0 Sljedbenik 852 Pogledi

Zbog najnovijih ažuriranja, više ne možete slušati ovaj radio sa svojim preglednikom. Kliknite na ikonu ispod za nastavak slušanja sa podržanim playerom!

Slušaj Fresh 92,9 besplatno na KeepOne Radio.
...ακούς δυνατά, ακούς καθαρά τον Νο1 σταθμό της πόλης!The Fresh 92,9 created after the actual need of the audience for an instrument that would offer real entertainment, positive energy and only hits. The selection of music is a detailed design while its program is structured so as to avoid tiring and the most demanding listener. The technical equipment is the latest technology so the transmission signal and the sound effect that reaches each radio to be as best as possible, this also sounds ... clearly!
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