Kool FM 101.3

Kool FM 101.3

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80s, 90s, and NOW
NewCap Radio’s KOOL 101 DOT 3 is a family friendly format that plays new adult hits along with songs our audience grew up with. We play a variety of hit songs from the 80’s, the 90’s and Now! KOOL 101 DOT 3 is the variety station, a ‘pick you up’ radio station for adults! KOOL 101 DOT 3 will focus on Bonnyville’s 25-49 female population, currently not served by radio. Bonnyville’s new station is locally produced and executed from Bonnyville, providing local programming for adults along with Bonnyville’s News, Sports and Weather. KOOL 101 DOT 3 supports Bonnyville and area community causes and events.
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