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LDRADIO.COM Is an internet radio broadcasting platform formed by BLDFILMS. BLDFILMS was formed in OCTOBER of 2010 by Karim-Jamal & E. Ponch Scarlett. Our station has been visited by over 8 million people on over 150 countries worldwide. For over10 years, BLDRADIO.COM has focused on developing independent artist online via airplay and interviews, website placement, listener polls, internet radio distribution, consultation for copyright, publishing, spin royalties, and online distribution. BLDFILMS.COM also assist in the marketing and promotions for small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations via website promotions, commercial on-air advertisement, and live remote broadcasts. BLDRADIO.COM is an active Stream Licensing LLC. affiliate, that is legally licensed by Ascap, Bmi, Sesac, Socan, and Soundexchange for royalties and performance fees.
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