Three D Radio 93.7FM

Three D Radio 93.7FM

0 Sljedbenik 980 Pogledi

Zbog najnovijih ažuriranja, više ne možete slušati ovaj radio sa svojim preglednikom. Kliknite na ikonu ispod za nastavak slušanja sa podržanim playerom!

Three D radio broadcasts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year across Adelaide, and surrounding country areas in South Australia. Three D radio is unique. They are the only major metropolitan broadcaster in Australia that is entirely run by volunteers.
Three D radio doesn't have playlists, so they don't put tracks on rotation. Express yourself through your music, rather than kooky fonts. Station's announcers like to be able to read the name of the artist/band, album name, track names, numbers and times, on a release. Make it easy for Three D Radio announcers to play their tunes!
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