80s Soundtracks Radio

80s Soundtracks Radio

0 Sljedbenik 1017 Pogledi

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Playing music from well known & rare Movie & Tv Shows from 1980s
Playing the best music from well known and rare Movies & Tv Shows from 1980s. Movies such as...Top Gun, R.A.D, Iron Eagle, Thrashin, Transformers The Movie 1986, Rocky 4, The Wraith, License To Drive, Flight Of The Navigator, Space Camp, The Breakfast Club, The Secret of My Success, Footloose, Summer School, Cobra, The Running Man, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and many many more...Plenty of Tv show themes such as Magnum, Automan, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Street Hawk, & many more...Also Movie Outtakes & classic Jam jingles! As decades have a cross over period will play tracks from late 70s and early 90s that blends into the station overall. More tracks added each week as we grow! Please Enjoy!!!
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