Radio Eco Natura

Radio Eco Natura

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Radio Eco Natura a fost creat pentru a sustine un mediu curat şi sănătos, prin promovarea unei atitudini responsabile faţă de mediu la nivelul publicului larg, a unor politici publice favorabile mediului si prin sprijinirea societăţii civile. Puteti asculta jurnalele noastre de stiri la 08, 09, 12, 13, 17 si 18 fix!.
Radio Eco Natura was created to support a clean and healthy environment by promoting a responsible attitude towards the environment among the general public, environmentally friendly public policies and by supporting civil society and NGO's. You can listen to our radio news at 08, 09, 12, 13, 17 and 18 o'clock !
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