Gippsland FM - 3GCR

Gippsland FM - 3GCR

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Gippsland Community Radio.Gippsland FM is a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation which aims to provide an alternative radio service for the local community, complementing and supplementing the national and commercial radio networks.
Vision:To connect the community by delivering unique, diverse and valued programming that celebrates the character and values of our Gippsland region, while promoting freedom of expression and the breaking down of isolation and cultural barriers.MissionTo offer a diverse range of programs that provide variety for our local community including indigenous and multi-cultural programs.To be a proactive broadcaster catering to those not adequately served by the mainstream media.To provide access through relevant training and station facilities to enable broadcasting opportunities.To foster and encourage community participation in the station irrespective of background.To deliver a quality product for all of our stakeholders.To operate the station in a financially viable manner.To embrace new technologyPurpose And Objectives:As a community radio broadcaster, Gippsland FM is licensed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. In accordance with that licence, the station has the following “Purpose and Objectives” which appears as part of its operating conditions. These are:1. To provide facilities and equipment for education, recreation or other community purposes, and to promote and assist clubs, societies or other organisations for any such purposes;2. To provide educational programs, community access programs, high quality music and other such radio programs considered suitable for broadcasting for the local community;3. To promote an appreciation and interest in broadcasting activities;4. To promote and carry out any charitable purposes; and5. To improve the conditions of community life.Gippsland FM is the local community radio station in the central Gippsland / Latrobe Valley area in Victoria, Australia. Situated in the town of Morwell, we are like almost 400 other Community Radio Stations around the country.Gippsland FM is a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation which aims to provide an alternative radio service for the local community, complementing and supplementing the national and commercial radio networks.The official station call-sign is 3GCR-FM, however the station has been using the name “GIPPSLAND FM” for the past twenty-five years or more. The station is owned and operated by the Gippsland Community Radio Society Co-operative Limited and broadcasts on a frequency of 104.7 on the FM band.
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